Car President Faustin-Archange Touadera Begins Second Term Amid Turmoil

The Central African Republic President Faustin-Archange Touadera officially begun a second term in office January 19 2021 but it is one that is already mired in huge controversy and conflict.

President Faustin-Archange Touadera’s election victory which was confirmed January 18th 2021, by the country’s Constitutional Court has been rejected once again by the opposition.

The parties known as the Coalition of the Democratic Opposition (COD-2020) reaffirmed their position saying they” do not recognize the re-election of Touadéra declared winner with only 17% of the electorate.

The group also denounced countless frauds and irregularities it said plagued the election and as such the results do not represent the will of the people of the Central African Republic.

The legitimacy of the re-elected president is questioned by the low turnout: just over 35% according to the Constitutional Court’s figures. Two out of three registered voters were unable to cast their ballots in the presidential and legislative elections due to insecurity.

The most powerful armed groups in the country, which controls two-thirds of the territory, launched a new offensive a week before the polls.

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