CAN Tackles FG In Court Over CAMA, Assembles 30 Lawyers

AFTER several months of controversy, the Christian Association of Nigeria has gone to a Federal High Court in Abuja to challenge the legality of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, 2020, which was recently gazetted by the government.

Reports have it that CAN has assembled about 30 lawyers, including five Senior Advocates of Nigeria to prosecute the case.

The General Secretary of CAN, Joseph Daramola, in a statement says the suit was filed by its Incorporated Trustees.

Although the case was mentioned at the Federal High Court in Abuja, the organisation said it was not comfortable with some provisions and decided to seek redress in court.

The Corporate Affairs Commission and Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment were joined as first and second defendants.

Daramola says, CAN resolves to go to court after all attempts to convince the Federal Government why it should not intervene or interfere with the management of the Church in the country through any of its agencies failed.

The CAN leaders present in the court included its General Secretary, Joseph Bade Daramola; Elder Kunle Fagbemi, Senator Philip Gyunka, Elder Tunde Adegbesan, Rev. Dr. Testimony Onifade, the Director, Legal and Public Affairs, Comfort Chigbue and Senator Jonathan Zwingina.

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