Austria Introduces Lockdown For Unvaccinated

About two million people who have not been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 have been placed on lockdown in Austria as the country faces a surge in cases.

Unvaccinated people will only be permitted to leave home for limited reasons, like working or buying food.

About 65% of Austria’s population is fully vaccinated – one of the lowest rates in Western Europe.

Meanwhile, the seven-day infection rate is more than 800 cases per 100,000 people, which is one of the highest in Europe.

Overall, Europe has again become the region most seriously-affected by the pandemic and several countries are introducing restrictions and warning of rising cases.

However, the UK, which has one of the highest Covid infection rates, has yet to reintroduce restrictions, despite health leaders calling for rules like mandatory face coverings in crowded and enclosed spaces to be brought back to avoid a winter crisis.

The measures introduced in Austria on Monday, which come amid growing pressure on the nation’s hospitals, will initially last for 10 days.

Children under the age of 12 and people who have recently recovered from the virus will be exempt.

The unvaccinated were already barred from visiting restaurants,

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