Attack On Education, Strongest Threat To Nigerian Nationhood – NANS

President of the National Association of Nigerian Students, Sunday Asefon, has said that the attack on education in Nigeria is the strongest threat to the Nigerian nationhood.

Asefon, who described security as a fundamental foundation upon which other development could be built, expressed worries at the spate of insecurity in schools and campuses and the attendant deaths and kidnapping of many students.

The NANS president, said he doesn’t think there is any stronger threat against the nation than the attack on educational institutions.

While praising the efforts and result of President MuhammaduBuhari, administration on the recent onslaught against the bandits and terrorists, which he said had made schools safer of recent, Asefon said NANS would on November 24 convoke Students’ National Security Summit to discuss and agree on modalities to improve campus security by the students in partnership with security agencies.

The NANS president charged policy makers to make concerted and conscious efforts to address the decay that had attended the nation’s education, saying, the swing towards total privatization of quality education is cancerous to the nation and national security.

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