Angola: Top Former Generals Heard Over Corruption Case

Angola opened the hearing of two high ranking military officers, General Kopelipa and General Dino, who are accused of participating in a large corruption scandal.

Thanks to their lawyer both Generals Helder Vieria Dias, aka Kopelipa, and Leopoldino Do Nascimento, known as Dino managed to escape outside the Attorney General’s Office in capital city Luanda.

Kopelipa the former head of the military house, and General Dino ex- head of communications of the Angolan Armed forces, stand accused of embezzlement, money laudering, and fraud.

In a case related to a 2.5 billion dollar line of credit opened by Angola’s Industrial and Commercial Bank to the China International Fund, both Generals close to the Former President José Eduardo Dos Santos are said to have diverted large sums of money for their own benefit.

The two men are accused of having favored the purchase of real estate, by a Chinese fund, using state money.

The two buildings at the center of this case are CIF Luanda One and CIF Two, the two tallest buildings in the Ingombota area of Luanda.

Both belong to the Angolan branch of China International Fund and were seized by the state in February.

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