AIG warns against illegal use of police uniform

The Assistant Inspector-General of Police in charge Zone 17 Akure, Ondo State, Mr Ene Okon, has warned the operatives of some private security outfits in the zone to desist from illegal use of police uniform and equipment in their operations.

The AIG, who expressed displeasure over the alleged act of some private security outfits in Ondo and Ekiti States in illegally using police accoutrement, said the police would not hesitate to deal with perpetrators henceforth.

Ene gave this warning in a statement issued in Akure, the Ondo State capital, on Monday. The statement was titled “AIG warns against illegal use of police uniform and accoutrement”

He said, “The Nigeria Police Force has observed with dismay the practice by some private security outfits, youth vanguards/vigilante groups and other security outfits who are in the habit of illegal use of police kits, paraphernalia and color as parts of their dressing.

“This is to bring to the notice of such individuals and organizations that such illegal act negates the provisions of section 214{1} of the 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended ) and section 101 of the Police Act 2020; they are hereby advised to stop such illegal practices forthwith.”

To this end, the police boss directed the Ondo and Ekiti States Police Commands, which are under his jurisdiction, to clamp down on “defaulters who are presenting themselves as officers of the Nigeria Police Force.”

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