ACF Salutes Nigeria At 60

The Arewa Consultative Forum felicitates with President, Muhammadu Buhari and the Nigerian people on the 60th anniversary of Nigeria as an independent nation.

The ACF, in a message from Mr. Emmanuel Yawe ,the National Publicity Secretary, noted that given our resources, both material and human, Nigeria should have achieved greater heights.

We are a nation blessed with unlimited resources from God. Our greatest undoing is poor, visionless leadership which has failed to take advantage of these God given gifts to build a virile, progressive nation, they said.

ACF added that the country has since independence been mired in short sighted, mind boggling corruption that has shocked her citizens and the world saying Nigerian leaders have consistently remained mediocre, refusing to build even on the modest achievements of the first republic leaders.’

As Nigeria turns 60, the ACF advice’s her leaders and elites to turn a new leaf and avoid the pitfalls of the past that have hindered our march to progress, unity and prosperity.”

we must strive to shake off the image of marvelous scammers that is conjured up in the minds of many whenever it is announced that a Nigerian is around all over the world,’ they said .

As we celebrate Nigeria @60 lets here what the people are saying:

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