5G Not Hazardous, To Be Deployed In 2021 – NCC

The Nigerian Communications Commission says the trial of the fifth generation mobile network shows that there is no health hazard associated with the use of the technology.

The commission in a draft consultation document on Deployment of Fifth Generation Mobile Technology in Nigeria published on Monday stated that the trial was conducted in six cities – Abuja, Lagos, Ibadan, Abeokuta, Kano and Calabar.

The regulatory body said the tests were conducted in accordance with the 1998 International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection guidelines for general public exposure to varying electromagnetic fields, which were in force at the time of the trials.

The telecoms regulator stated that the deployment of the new network in the country would be done in two phases.

It said the phase one, which involves deployment based on the non-standalone approach, would commence in 2021.

According to the NCC, the phase two based on the stand-alone approach, which relies on new spectrum allocations, will commence in 2022.

The regulatory body said ‘5G network deployment will rely on the availability of sufficient radio spectrum at the low, medium and high-frequency bands to provide for the different use cases and applications’.

The industry regulator promised that the operator would be vacated and the band licensed based on the new TDD plan.

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